BIOLOGY | 061 Common smut - resistance | | 9 - very high | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 096 Grain - nitrogen substance content | | 5 - intermediate 15,1-16,0 % | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 100 Grain - oil content | | 3 - low 5,1- 6,0 % | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 001 Plant - height | | 4 - 100-125 cm - line 151-175 cm - population,hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 002 Plant - tillering | | 1 - absent 1 | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 008 Leaf - area | | 1 - very small <300 cm2 - line <350 cm2 - population,hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 009 Leaf - number per stem | | 4 - 14,1-16,0 | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 011 Panicle - type | | 5 - middle-branchy (30-45°) | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 012 Panicle - number of lateral branches | | 2 - 5-10 | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 018 Ear - height of placement | | 2 - 20- 30 cm | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 019 Ear - deflection from the stem | | 7 - pendant >90° | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 020 Ear - huskiness | | 3 - husked >10 cm | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 021 Ear - husk closure | | 5 - equal to the ear | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 028 Ear - number of kernel rows | | 7 - large 19,1-21,0 | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 029 Ear - number of kernels per row | | 5 - intermediate 28-30 - line 31-35 - population, hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 030 Ear - regularity of rows | | 3 - regular | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 031 Ear - cob diameter | | 4 - 2,5-2,6 cm | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 032 Ear - cob colour | | 2 - pink | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 038 Kernel - colour of the lateral side - 1 | | 4 - yellow | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 083 Ear - number of grains | | 5 - intermediate 501-600 - line 701- 900 - population, hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 085 Ear - grain yield | | 7 - high 83-85 % | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 013 Panicle - length of lower branch | | 3 - short 10-12 cm - line 13-15 cm - population, hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 014 Panicle - colour spikelet glumes | | 7 - anthocyanin colourong | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 015 Panicle - colour of anthers | | 7 - violet | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 017 Ear - colour of silks | | 1 - yellow-green | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 024 Ear - length | | 6 - 12,1-14,0 cm - line 20,1-22,0 cm - population, hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 025 Ear - diameter (of the center section) | | 5 - intermediate 3,6- 4,0 cm | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 027 Ear - number per plant | | 2 - 1,0- 1,5 | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 036 Kernel - cap colour - 1 | | 4 - yellow | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 006 Leaf - length | | 2 - <50- 55 cm | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 007 Leaf - width | | 4 - 7,1- 8,0 cm | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
OTHER | 057 Sterility - type | | 3 - type C | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 046 Vegetation period | | 2 - 110-115 days | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 047 Vegetation period - emergency-flowering | | 3 - short 61-65 days | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 048 Vegetation period - proterandry-proterogyny | | 2 - 5-6 days | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PHYSIOLOGY | 056 Stand - plant sterility | | 1 - absent 0 % | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PHYSIOLOGY | 016 Panicle - pollen producing capacity | | 5 - intermediate | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PRODUCTION | 084 Ear - grain percentage | | 7 - high 91-97 % | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PRODUCTION | 080 Ear - mass | | 5 - intermediate 81-100 g - line 176-200 g - population, hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PRODUCTION | 081 Ear - grain mass | | 6 - 71- 90 g - line 176-200 g - population, hybrid | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |
PRODUCTION | 082 Ear - 1000 grains weight | | 3 - low 161-200 g | 1981 Genebank Dept.-Div. Genet. & Plant Breed.- Res. Inst. Crop Production (3) | | Not Available |