BIOLOGY | 046 Spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) | plant before harvest (leaves and cones) | 5 - intermediate | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
BIOLOGY | 041 Downy Mildew (DM) spike shoots (Peronoplasmopora humuli Miy. et Tak.) | number of spike shoots per 16 plants | 3 - low < 1 | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
BIOLOGY | 047 Damson Hop Aphid (Phorodon humuli Schrank.) | plant before harvest (leaves and cones) | 3 - low | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
BIOLOGY | 048 Frost damage | in the years with different climatic conditions | 5 - intermediate | 2013 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 056 Content of alpha-bitter acids | by Wollmer or the conductoscopic method | 7 - high 7,0-12,0 (%) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 062 Content of essential oils (weight) | GC method (in g/100g) | 7 - high > 1,0 (g) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 063 Content of essential oils (myrcene) | GC method (in % rel.) | 3 - low < 25 (%) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 064 Content of essential oils (caryphyllene) | GC method (in % rel.) | 7 - high > 10 (%) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 065 Content of essential oils (humulene) | GC method (in % rel.) | 7 - high > 30 (%) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 066 Content of essential oils (farnesene) | GC method (in % rel.) | 1 - very low 1 (%) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 072 Content of essential oils (xanthohumol) | HPLC method (in % w/w) | 5 - intermediate 0,41-0,6% | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 073 Content of essential oils (desmethylxanthohumumol) | HPLC method (in % w/w) | 5 - intermediate 0,081-0,12% | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 074 Content of essential oils (alpha and beta selinene) | GC method (in % rel.) | 7 - high 10,1 - 15,0 (%) | 2013 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 057 Content of alpha-bitter acids | HPLC method (in % w/w) | 7 - high 7,5-12,5 (%) | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 058 Content of beta-bitter acids | HPLC method (in % w/w) | 7 - high 4,0-4,5 (%) | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 059 Alpha and beta bitter acids ratio | HPLC method | 7 - high > 1,6 | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 060 Content of analogue alpha-bitter acids (co-humulone) | HPLC method (in % rel.) | 5 - intermediate 25-30 (%) | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
CHEMICAL | 061 Content of analogue beta bitter acids (co-lupulone) | HPLC method (in % rel.) | 5 - intermediate 40-50 (%) | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 002 Plant - habit | before harvest (fig. 1) | 2 - spindle | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 005 Plant - colour of vine | in the height 150-200 cm of plant, before harvest | 5 - violet (V) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 013 Plant - density of cones | in the height 2-5 m of plant, before harvest | 7 - large | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 014 Leaf - shape | in the height 2-5 m of plant, before harvest | 5 - five-lobed | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 015 Leaf - size of surface | in the height 2-5 m of plant, before harvest (fig. 4) | 3 - small 60-120 (cm2) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 016 Leaf - margin | in the height 2-5 m of plant, before harvest (fig. 5) | 3 - serrate | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 022 Cone - transverse section | average sample of harvested plant (fig. 8) | 1 - round | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 023 Cone - length of bracts | average sample of harvested plant | 7 - large > 1,2 (cm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 024 Cone - bract apex shape ("sharpness") | average sample of harvested plant (fig. 9) | 3 - shortly acute | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 025 Cone - firmness | average sample of harvested plant | 5 - intermediate (estimated by touch) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 026 Cone - length of rachis (strig) | average sample of plant after harvest (mechanical analysis) | 7 - large >16 (mm) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 032 Shoot - sprouting uniformity | number of shoots before training | 7 - high > 4 | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 011 Plant - density of leaves | plant before harvest | 3 - sparse | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 017 Leaf - longitudinal profile | in the height 2-5 m of plant, before harvest (fig. 6) | 2 - straight | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 018 Leaf - colour | before harvest | 4 - dark green | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 019 Cone - colour | before harvest | 3 - green | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 020 Cone - size | average sample of harvested plant | 7 - large 3,5-4,5 (cm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 021 Cone - shape | average sample of harvested plant (fig. 7) | 3 - elongate | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 027 Cone - density of rachis (strig) zig-zaging | number of refractions per 1 cm, average sample of plant after harvest (mechanical analysis) | 5 - intermediate 5-6,5(.cm-1) | 2012 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 028 Cone - regularity of rachis (strig) zig-zaging | average sample of plant after harvest (mechanical analysis) | 2 - regular | 2013 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 029 Shoot- colour (presence of anthocyanins) | during training (in the height 50-60 cm) | 3 - violet (V) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 030 Shoot - thickness (diameter) | during training (in the height 50-60 cm) | 5 - intermediate 3-5 (mm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 031 Shoot - sprouting intensity | four shoots from over earth level after pruning operation | 5 - intermediate 10-17 days | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 067 Damage caused by DM | dry cones (sample of 100 g, point evaulation 1-10) | 3 - low 7 - 8 points | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY | 068 Texture of dry cones | dry cones (sample of 100 g, point evaluation 1-10) | 5 - steady 5 - 6 points | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 003 Plant - height (apex overgrowing) | according to reached wire - work ceiling(7 m), before harvest (fig. 2) | 7 - large | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 004 Plant - thickness of vine (diameter) | in the height 150-200 cm of plant, before harvest | 5 - intermediate 7-12 (mm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 006 Plant - length of internodes | in the height 150-200 cm of plant, before harvest | 5 - intermediate 16-22 (cm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 012 Plant - height of the first fertile lateral | height of the first lateral from the earth level, before harvest | 3 - low 50-100 (cm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 007 Plant - winding of vine | number ofturns per 1 m the plant height of 100-200 cm, before harvest | 5 - intermediate 3-4 (.m-1) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 008 Plant - position of laterals | angle between vine and laterals in the height 5 m of plant, before harvest | 5 - semi-hanging 45-60° | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 009 Plant - length of laterals | in the height 5 m of plant, before harvest | 5 - intermediate 50-80 (cm) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
MORPHOLOGY_HIGH_C | 010 Plant - branching of laterals | in the height 5 m of plant, before harvest (fig. 3) | 3 - small (1st order) | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
OTHER | 053 Cone - smell | average sample of harvested plant | 3 - bad smell | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
OTHER | 001 Plant - sexuality | | 1 - dioecious female | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 033 Shoot - length of growth period | from germination to training shoots (average of height 60 cm) | 3 - low > 20 days | 2013 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 034 Plant - earliness of laterals occurrence | laterals achieve length of 10 cm for 10 % of plants | 7 - high | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 036 Plant - period of burr apearence | visible burr apearence at 25 % flowers | 5 - intermediate 25.VI.-5.VII. | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 055 Date of harvest | | 5 - semi-late 5. IX. -15.IX. | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 037 Plant - period of flowering | visible full flowering in 25% plants | 7 - long after 15.VII. | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 038 Plant - length of period cones formation | visible transformation of 75 % of flowers to cones on plant | 5 - intermediate 15-20 days | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 039 Plant - period of cones formation | visible transformation of flowers to cones for 25 % of plants | 7 - long after 31.VII. | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PHENOLOGY | 040 Plant - length of vegetative period | to harvest maturity of 75 % plants | 5 - intermediate 120-130 days | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PRODUCTION | 069 Smell of dry cones | dry cones (sample of 100 g, point evaluation 1-10) | 3 - hopy, strong spicy 3 - 4 points | 2010 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |
PRODUCTION_HIGH_C | 054 Cone - productivity per one plant | harvested fresh Hops per fullgrown plant | 3 - low 0,5-1,0 (kg) | 2011 Hop Research Institute, Co. Ltd. | | Not Available |