Persica P.MILLER

  1. 028 Fruit - weight (028 FRUIT - WEIGHT )
  2. 029 Fruit - the largest diametre (029 FRUIT - THE LARGEST DIAMET)
  3. 030 Fruit - shape (030 FRUIT - SHAPE )
  4. 031 Fruit - symmetry (031 FRUIT - SYMMETRY )
  5. 037 Fruit - skin pubescence (037 FRUIT - SKIN PUBESCENCE )
  6. 038 Fruit - primary skin colour (038 FRUIT - PRIMARY SKIN COLOU)
  7. 039 Fruit - blush size (039 FRUIT - BLUSH SIZE )
  8. 040 Fruit - blush colour (040 FRUIT - BLUSH COLOUR )
  9. 043 Fruit - flesh colour (043 FRUIT - FLESH COLOUR )
  10. 044 Fruit - red flesh degree (044 FRUIT - RED FLESH DEGREE )
  11. 045 Fruit - flesh consistence (045 FRUIT - FLESH CONSISTENCE )
  12. 046 Fruit - solodity (046 FRUIT - SOLODITY )
  13. 049 Stone - flesh separability (049 STONE - FLESH SEPARABILITY)
  14. 092 Fruit appearance (092 FRUIT APPEARANCE )
  1. 094 Flesh taste (stip. by aroma,acid,sugar and tannin content and their balance in t (094 FLESH TASTE (STIP. BY AROM)