Lens culinaris MEDIC

  1. 001 Plant - stem colour of emerging stand (anthocyan) (001 PLANT - STEM COLOUR OF EME)
  2. 003 Plant - foliage (003 PLANT - FOLIAGE )
  3. 004 Plant - branching (number of branches of the 1-3 order in the stage of ripening) (004 PLANT - BRANCHING (NUMBER )
  4. 005 Stem - length (at the end of flowering) (005 STEM - LENGTH (AT THE END )
  5. 006 Stem - thickness (main stem in the thickest part) (006 STEM - THICKNESS (MAIN STE)
  6. 007 Stem - branching pattern (007 STEM - BRANCHING PATTERN )
  7. 008 Tendrils - legth (in the stage of pod filling) (008 TENDRILS - LEGTH (IN THE S)
  8. 009 Leaf - number of leaflets (009 LEAF - NUMBER OF LEAFLETS )
  9. 010 Leaf - stipule shape (010 LEAF - STIPULE SHAPE )
  10. 011 Leaf - leaflet shape (011 LEAF - LEAFLET SHAPE )
  11. 013 Leaf - leaflet length (in central leaf yoke in the middle of plant) (013 LEAF - LEAFLET LENGTH (IN )
  12. 014 Leaf - leaflet width (in central leaf yoke in the middle of plant) (014 LEAF - LEAFLET WIDTH (IN C)
  13. 015 Leaf - leaflet haireness (015 LEAF - LEAFLET HAIRENESS )
  14. 016 Inflorescence - number of flowers (016 INFLORESCENCE - NUMBER OF )
  15. 017 Flower - peduncle length (ratio to leaf length) (017 FLOWER - PEDUNCLE LENGTH ()
  16. 018 Flower - peduncle colour (018 FLOWER - PEDUNCLE COLOUR )
  17. 019 Flower - ground colour of vexillum (019 FLOWER - GROUND COLOUR OF )
  18. 020 Flower - vein colour (020 FLOWER - VEIN COLOUR )
  19. 021 Flower - vein colour intensity (021 FLOWER - VEIN COLOUR INTEN)
  20. 022 Flower - wings colour (022 FLOWER - WINGS COLOUR )
  21. 023 Flower - calyx dent length (023 FLOWER - CALYX DENT LENGTH)
  22. 024 Pod - shape (024 POD - SHAPE )
  23. 025 Pod - apex shape (025 POD - APEX SHAPE )
  24. 026 Pod - length (026 POD - LENGTH )
  25. 027 Pod - width (027 POD - WIDTH )
  26. 028 Pod (immature) - colour (028 POD (IMMATURE) - COLOUR )
  27. 029 Seed - shape (029 SEED - SHAPE )
  28. 030 Seed - basic colour (030 SEED - BASIC COLOUR )
  29. 031 Seed - seed coat pattern (031 SEED - SEED COAT PATTERN )
  30. 033 Seed - hilum colour (033 SEED - HILUM COLOUR )
  31. 066 Plant - setting of the first pod (066 PLANT - SETTING OF THE FIR)
  32. 070 Pod - number of seeds per pod (070 POD - NUMBER OF SEEDS PER )