Descriptor: 083 Ear - number of grains (083 EAR - NUMBER OF GRAINS )

Morphological descriptors
Crop Germplasm Committee approved
Data Type:
Alpha/numeric descriptor
Maximum Length:
Responsible Site:
OSEVA PRO Ltd. Grassland Research Institute (CZE082)

Distribution of Values for 083 Ear - number of grains (083 EAR - NUMBER OF GRAINS )

CodeDefinitionNumber of Accessions
1very small <200 - line < 200 - population, hybrid42
2200-300 - line 200- 300 - population, hybrid81
3small 301-400 - line 301- 500 - population, hybrid17
4401-500 - line 501- 700 - population, hybrid2
5intermediate 501-600 - line 701- 900 - population, hybrid1