Descriptor: 067 Content of crude protein in dry matter (067 CONTENT OF CRUDE PROTEIN I)

At the first cut.
Chemical descriptors
Crop Germplasm Committee approved
Data Type:
Alpha/numeric descriptor
Maximum Length:
Responsible Site:
OSEVA PRO Ltd. Grassland Research Institute (CZE082)

Distribution of Values for 067 Content of crude protein in dry matter (067 CONTENT OF CRUDE PROTEIN I)

CodeDefinitionNumber of Accessions
4low to medium 9,1 - 10,5 (%)1
5medium 10,6 - 12,0 (%)1
7high 13,6 - 15,0 (%)1
8high to very high 15,1 - 16,5 (%)1
9very high > 16,5 (%)2