Descriptor: 036 Persistence - at conservation management (036 PERSISTENCE - AT CONSERVAT)

Living ground cover of sown species. At perennial grasses in the 3rd harvest year.
Morphological descriptors
Crop Germplasm Committee approved
Data Type:
Alpha/numeric descriptor
Maximum Length:
Responsible Site:
OSEVA PRO Ltd. Grassland Research Institute (CZE082)

Distribution of Values for 036 Persistence - at conservation management (036 PERSISTENCE - AT CONSERVAT)

CodeDefinitionNumber of Accessions
4low to medium 41 - 50 (%)1
5medium 51 - 60 (%)4
6medium to high 61 - 70 (%)1
7high 71 - 80 (%)9
8high to very high 81 - 90 (%)4
9very high > 90 (%)6