Descriptor: 071 Bunch: degree of resistance to Botrytis (071 BUNCH: DEGREE OF RESISTANC)

The different appearance of the grey rot on all clusters of at least 6 vines (6 replications) have to be assessed, if possible before harvest.
Biology descriptors
Crop Germplasm Committee approved
Data Type:
Alpha/numeric descriptor
Maximum Length:
Responsible Site:
AMPELOS a.s. Viticulture Research Station (CZE005)

Distribution of Values for 071 Bunch: degree of resistance to Botrytis (071 BUNCH: DEGREE OF RESISTANC)

CodeDefinitionNumber of Accessions
3low very many wilted and part rotted clusters, drop off of all clusters26
5medium up to 20 % wilted or rotted clusters are moderately atacked, only some clusters are attacked more severely, drop off of clusters is only slight92
7high only a few wilted or rotten berries in clusters, no drop off of clusters53
9very high (Isabella N) only single clusters are slightly attacked, no drop off of clusters6